Sunday, March 6, 2011

Big Decision...

We have been trying to avoid making this decision, we have tried every way possible around it, but the time has come where for Kaydens long term health it cannot be put off anymore. The last few days Kayden has been working harder to breath and his CO2 has been jumping up again to the mid 60s. The doctors had been throwing the trach word out many different times, even when we were in the NICU in Plano. We have been totally against it, today we were informed about it and how it will only help Kayden developmentally. I was told when we were in the ICU here at Childrens that he cannot eat or talk while having a trach, Dr. Gelfand informed me that was totally incorrect there are therapies that will help him to learn the things where when Kayden is able to get off the trach guessing around 3 years old he will not have to learn to eat and talk at that time, he should just be able to be a normal child once removed, praying that everything has gone as expected. This is not what we have wanted to do by any means but it is what will be beneficial to Kayden for now and long term. After getting the trach he will be in ICU for 7-10 days, shortly after we will get transferred to Baylor Childrens House for about 6 weeks, where we will go to classes to learn to care for him and a trach, as well as therapy for Kayden to learn to eat and such. We need many many prayers while going through this, it is surely not the path we wanted to take but it is the best option for Kayden and his health, and thats what comes first. I will update again when I have more information.

1 comment:

  1. ~What we go through in life is to improve our circumstances and to build character. Don't be discouraged with it, become encouraged instead. God is not going to forget where you are.~

    This was on my daily calendar today so I thought it was appropriate to share : ) I'm praying for you and Kayden and know the best is yet to come!
